Fit  Stretching into you busy schedule.

Fit Stretching into you busy schedule.

Fit stretching into your schedule

As a general rule,YOU MUST stretch out whenever you exercise. If you don't exercise regularly, you may want to stretch  everyday or at least three times a week to maintain flexibility. If you have a problem area, such as tightness in the back of your leg, you may want to stretch every day.

Think about ways you can fit stretching into your daily schedule and let me leave a comment, I want to see if these tips  work or you or not. For example:

  • Do some stretches after your morning shower. That way, you can shorten your warm-up routine because the warm water will raise muscle temperature and prepare your muscles for stretching.
  • Stretch before getting out of bed. Try a few gentle head-to-toe stretches by reaching your arms above your head and pointing your toes.
  • Sign up for a yoga class at your gym. You're more likely to stick with a program if you're registered for a class.
  • What you should know before you stretch out. you can stretch anywhere,anytime in your home , office, when you traveling.
  • You must listen to your body!! if you are have an injury, you should take a brake from stretching out as it could do more harm to your muscle or hold your stretch longer up to 70 seconds for tight muscle or problems area.
  • Relax and breathe freely. Don't hold your breath while you're stretching.
  • Target major muscle groups. When you're stretching, focus on your calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck and shoulders.
  •  Always Warm up first. Star slowly stretching muscles ,when they're cold increases your risk of injury, including pulled muscles. Warm up by walking while gently pumping your arms, or do a favorite exercise at low intensity for ten minutes. 
  •  Don't forget to hold each stretch for at least 40 seconds. It takes time to lengthen tissues safely. Hold your stretches for at least 40 seconds  For most muscle groups.
  • single stretch is usually sufficient. By the way the time is now to start saving some money by shopping at our website.

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